Thursday, October 16, 2008

My day as a groupie!

I found an old email that I sent to everyone a couple of years back, after the K's Choice tour and thought I'd post it because I just found it quite funny! In the midst of a rather unpleasantly hectic time of my life I somehow managed to find a day to rival all the good days I've ever had, in its absolute perfection, in an obscure little town called Potch this saturday just passed. In fact, it was so good that I decided I had to record it and send it to everyone because I can hardly contain myself;) Most of you have heard of Potchefstroom I'm sure but have you heard of Aardklop?! It's one of the largest Afrikaans festivals in the country and all the Durbanites give a collective: "yes...and?!" I know a lot of you can't say more than "baie dankie" but let me tell you, this is one festival worth going to even if you spend the whole day only saying baie dankie and getting yourself lost because all the signs are in Afrikaans! And I'll tell you why...because K's choice played there this year! Now for all those uninitiated into the world of non-mainstream music (shame on you...) this is possibly one of the most brilliant bands you will ever hear. They are from Belgium and are a brother and sister team. They have 4 albums out and each of them also has a solo album now. And you're all going blah blah where is this going so I'll just forge ahead... I have been a fan for years. I had been thinking of going to Jhb anyway, when a friend told me 2 days before that they were playing at Aardklop so of course I thought it must be a local band because what would they be doing coming here. No-one seems to know them. So I rang the organisers only to discover to my absolute delight that it was indeed THE K's choice!!! I won't include the scream that followed those exclamation marks but you can imagine... Unbelievably I had a few free days and I had been toying with the idea of driving to Jhb to get my bird, Mr Wendell (yes, he is named after the song for those wondering), go and visit Robyn and do a bit of soul-searching, so this was the sign that I was meant to go. I got into mini-me (my very little car for the un-informed) and drove up the drag to Jhb. Potchefstroom is happily only about 115kms from where I was staying so my fabulous friend, Robyn agreed to go with me for which I owe her big-time;) It was kind of fun going on a day trip like that. Upon arrival we immediately got lost but eventually found our way with my bad afrikaans and various phone calls to Tersia (who was also there by the way) We had to park miles away and of course, being a girl who never wears takkies unless I'm at gym, I was in my lovely white heels...needless to say my feet got a good workout. By the end of the day they were raw! But it was ok because, by that stage, I was walking on blissful clouds of happiness so I didn't care;) We had no idea when K's choice were actually on. No-one could tell us and so, in case I missed them altogether, I made poor Robyn get up at the crack of dawn so we could shoot to the airport and say a quick hi to Mandy and Thia (It was so lovely to see you gals even though it was literally a short hi and bye;) and then shoot off to Potch lest I miss my band. So we're waiting to pay to get in (tickets were R85 to get into the stadium but there were about 10 bands playing) and this girl comes up to us and says do we want one of her tickets because her friend can't make it. She wouldn't take money for it so I only had to pay for myself and Robyn got in free! A sign to me that I was in the right place!! How cool is that?!?! In we go running for a toilet because this all took ages and by now we're all bursting, being girls;) Then up to the stage to try find out when my band is on and Robyn goes, "Mel, that's them standing behind us" and I'm like, "no, are you sure?" thinking why on earth would they be standing out there with us looking at the stage too. They're huge international stars you know?! But sure as eggs, it's them!!!!! Major panic stations! What should I do? I'm too shy to approach and while I'm deciding, they walk backstage and the opportunity is lost! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH@!*!!!! Quick as lightning I dash for the Look & Listen stand and buy one of their cds and we head backstage where a very rude security chick (who I know was only doing her job but doesn't she understand what a huge fan I am?!?!??!!) refuses to call Sarah (the lead singer cos of course we're on first name terms;) ) for us so we stand like twits for a while and I'm lamenting the fact that I'm a complete moron when all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, she gets up and starts walking towards the gate even though she can't even see us. So I called, "oh sarah" (smiling smugly at the security guard who was glaring at me) I said "sarah, please will you sign my cd?!" and of course she said yes and we actually CHATTED to her, found out when they were on (which was only 7:45 that night and it was only about 11:30. Once again I'm sorry Robyn for making you get up so early!!!) and I gave her one of my own cds;) cos a little PR never hurt anyone;) She probably chucked it away but there's always the chance.... She was a really down to earth, nice person. Of course I was suffering from brain freeze so the million questions I had, vanished, and I walked off with my mouth full of grinning teeth saying NOTHING!!! Suddenly I had a glimpse of how fans might feel when they come and speak to me at gigs and I have to say it really blew my mind! I was an absolute nervous wreck! I'm sure people don't feel that freaked out with me but at least I got a little glimpse into how nerve-wracking it can be. So anyway, we basically had about 7 or so hours to waste until the show!!! And there were some really odd bands performing there... We walked around the festival a bit but my aching feet gave in eventually so we bought some very oily chicken kebabs for lunch and headed back to the cricket stadium where Tersia and Rene were waiting for us and we blobbed on the grass for several hours waiting. This sounds pretty boring but it actually was really nice lying on the soft grass of the cricket stadium drinking brutal fruits and chatting or just staring into space listening to whatever band was on. I got an awful stomache ache from above-mentioned chicken kebabs because of my annoyingly fussy stomache so I lay down and slept a bit and it went away thank goodness. Especially when Tersia and Rene surprised me with the K's choice DVD that they had to gone to buy me while I was lying prone on the grass as a belated birthday present for me!!!!! (Happy birthday to melly:) I was worried I wouldn't feel well when the band came on but when the time finally arrived I was right as rain and had positioned myself directly in front of the stage so I had a great view!. The show was UNBELIEVABLY AMAZINGLY FANTASTICALLY BRILLIANT!! It was just Sarah and Gert, her brother, doing an acoustic set, no band. I have never screamed so much in my life! I had a lump in my throat most of the time because the lyrics are so heart-wrenchingly applicable to almost everything in my life right now and her voice is just too hauntingly beautiful for any words to describe. It was a complete spiritual, emotional, wonderful experience for me. I felt like I had been emotionally cleansed from head to toe. I found out during their show about the solo albums so of course I joined the maddening crowd to buy it and get it signed (and my new dvd of course) I never have been the groupie type who bothered with autographs but I wanted hers! so I fought tooth and nail with that crowd to get everything signed!!! I left that festival with the biggest grin on my face, sore feet and all I was jumping and screaming and running out of the stadium for the car on a complete high. It was such a good day... I managed to get her solo album which I played on repeat ALL the way back to Durban today;) She so inspired me that I ended up writing a song in five minutes while I was driving back to Durban the next day and, not being able to write I had to put it all in a very long sms while I drove! Thankfully I didn't drive into the barrier and made it home in one piece;) I am now going to love and leave you all so I can go and put a melody to it and maybe one day you'll hear it on my new album! (Incidentally, this song is now my next single going to radio. It's called Come Back Home;) Before I go I have to type the lyrics for one of Sarah Bettens songs which I immediately loved. I think everyone should use these lyrics as their rule book for life. They are so profound and yet so simple. My one problem with it is that I DIDN'T WRITE IT FIRST ! I hope I haven't bored you all to tears. If you have read this far, well done!!! Now read a bit further and then I promise to leave you alone;) For a while..;) Don't stop trying, there's always reason to go on living as long as you can breathe. Stay clear of extremes, Just say what you mean but try not to be mean. You should say thank you often. Like your hair. Wave to strangers everywhere. Do what you're supposed to do. Don't look at what the others do. Think before you buy a car. Don't marry someone you met at a bar. There's no such thing as going too far. Love who you are. Don't be scared of what's ahead But wear a helmet to protect your head. Be aware, say you care, don't say fair. Stay close to the hands that raised you. Watch for signs. Never waste expensive wine. Spoil your body, spoil yourself. Never cheat and share your wealth. Sing when you're glad. Close the door if you sound bad. Don't believe a man who knows he's right. Don't skip ahead, enjoy your flight. Be nice to your dog. Drive slow in the fog. Convince yourself to write a song. Change clothes everyday. Call ahead when you're late. Be safe when you're planning to get laid. Read what you like. Be on your brother's side. It's okay to wonder why But don't expect to understand your life...

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