Friday, October 17, 2008

Green Celebrities goes Ning!

I've become very aware over the years, that a lot of the people who listen to and support my music, also watch my every move and comment on it at any given time, whether it's positive or negative!! It makes sense then, that if I am setting a good example, people will not only take note, but learn from it.

The same rule applies to anyone in any kind of spotlight. It's a powerful position to be in and one that should never be abused or taken for granted but instead be used to make a positive difference in every way to everyone and everything. The thing is that that rule applies to everyone but people only seem to acknowledge a person's importance by how many magazines and tv shows they appear in! We undervalue our own importance all the time. There are unsung heroes in everyone's lives, and what they do will impact directly on those who aspire to be like them.

We all exist in our own little circle of life, touching and affecting everything in our immediate vicinity, without realising it. It starts with one person changing their mindset, seeing the effect they have on things within their own circle, and deciding to use that in a positive way and that is the reason for Green Celebrities. The bigger this circle gets, the more chance we have of intersecting with another and then another. That's when you begin to realise we're all part of the same circle and what we do, affects EVERYONE in that circle.

I have created a social network for Green Celebrities. I would be so grateful if you would spread the word about this site. The URL is very easy: www.greencelebrities.ning.
com. You can create your own profile, create groups, add events, upload music. It's all related to being green! My main objective is to find as many ways as possible to get the name Green Celebrities, out there. The more people I have joining, the faster I reach my objective and that is to have a group of dedicated people, who are in a position to make a difference, and are also willing to do it! You are all celebrities to someone, even if you don't know it.

Let's use Green Celebrities to create a ripple effect that will eventually touch everything. It can only have a positive effect on our world.

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